
How To Use AOL Mail? (A Beginner’s Guide)

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AOL Mail, a free web-based email service provided by AOL. It is a division of Version Communication. Basically, AOL stands for America Online long. Generally, AOL Mail is also well-known as AIM Mail. This convenient mail service was launched on March 21, 2004. It is just more than any other normal or general email service. Furthermore, you can use AOL mail and its fascinating services for your personal use and business purpose. Adding more to it, you can read AOL news relating to different topics from various subjects. Also, you can use AOL mail in order for keeping in touch with everybody.

Good news people! Now, AOL is absolutely free. Yes, you read it right. Initially, the AOL mail services were available just to AOL subscribers. Although being a subscriber, they had to use special software to get these services. However, at the present time, AOL has made its services free. Hence, you need not be an AOL subscriber or have to use any sort of special software and so. AOL Mail runs over the Internet using standard Web browsers (e.g. Explorer, Firefox, Chrome). Indeed, it is now available in 54 different languages, accessible to everyone.

Why AOL Mail differs from other mail services?

Unlike other Webmail programs, AOL Mail imparts the features of unlimited email storage. The unique features of AOL are SSL based process, spell checker, spam & virus protection. In AOL, a user has scope for the creation of customized folders. Just like in that allows you to organize and store the message. You may store your private and important messages in drafts, inbox, etc. as per your need. These are the special features that make AOL stands out amongst other mail services.

How to use AOL?

Usually, you need to sign in to your account to get any services to your use. But here, you need not sign up AOL mandatorily. Confused? OK, let me clear it out for you.

Read AOL News

When you open the AOL Mail website, your screen is filled up with AOL News and headlines. In order to read those breaking and exclusive news, you don’t have to take the burden of creating a new account and sign in. You can read it anytime. Everyone, with or without an AOL account can read that AOL news for free.

Read and watch AOL news on the homepage of aol.com.

With this in mind, to explore more of the amazing AOL features and services, you have to log in to AOL account. If you are new to AOL, you need to create a new account for yourself. Further, if you already have a valid AOL account then you can simply log in to AOL. Read and learn how to sign up and log in to AOL from our previous post titled AOL Mail: Sign Up|Log In|Forgot Password.

Explore the menus

When you first log into AOL Mail, the home screen is taken up with scrolling headlines from AOL News. You can enjoy your time reading the exclusive news. All of the actual e-mail functions are located on the menu bar at the left side of the screen.

The AOL menu bar and features are at the left side of the screen.

Inbox and it’s features

Moreover, there you’ll see a list of icons and folders on the left side of the screen. The first being Inbox. Your inbox is where all your received emails are stored. Click on the inbox icon and that will take you to the inbox view. You will see a chronological list of received emails, from the newest to the oldest.

Generally, to read an email in the inbox, click on it, and it’ll open. All of the basic actions for responding and managing email are located at the top of the window. Here are some of the features of the inbox as given below:

Create a new email

To write an email, click on the compose icon which is available at the top left corner on the screen. Compose lets you create a new message or email. The AOL Mail consists of a rich-text formatting palette. It allows you to change fonts, text, and background color. You can even adjust text alignment and more according to your choice. These tools are located right above the large text box where you can write your message.

In addition, you can attach any image or other file using the Attach File button. Furthermore, you can spell check your message with the Spelling checking button. It is available at the top of the window. Also, click on misspelled words to see suggested corrections. When you’re satisfied with your message, then click the Send button at the top of the screen. If you’re not satisfied with your message, you can hit the Save Draft button to save the message. These messages are saved on the Drafts folder, on the left, that you can edit later. When after completing your editing you can send the message.

Contact and Calendar

In the case of the calendar, click the Calendar button. To open the integrated calendar application with its features. Click the New Event button to add an event, appointment, or meeting to the calendar. This will notify you later. You’ll be asked to name the event, set the date and time, indicate whether it repeats (daily, weekly). And set up a reminder alert so that you will be notified on the selected date and time. You can also add an event description and a location that automatically links to a Mapquest.

Settings and Filters

In fact, other new features are located on the Settings menu. The Settings icon is at the top-right side of the AOL Mail screen. In Settings, you can mark the mail as read without opening each individual message. To do so click on the mark all as read option.

Besides, the Filters option lets you add rules about your choice for automatically organizing, managing, and archiving received mail. For example, e-mails from your office will go to your Work folder. Or emails from your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend will go to the Trash folder. You can also create new filters by opening the email and click the Action button. Then scroll down to ‘Create a Filter’.

Also in Settings for Mobile Mail. Simply, you can enter your phone number to receive a text message with a link to download a free copy of AOL Mobile Mail. By using your AOL mail address, you can send and receive emails directly from your cell phone.

Concluding to it, I hope you guys have learned the important tricks and tips to use AOL. Try and make the best and most out of it. Enjoy and take advantage of the unique features of AOL mail.

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