is one of the most popular alternative email services available online. Hotmail provides webmail, contacts, tasks, and calendaring services, from Microsoft. It has more than half a billion users worldwide. It is not possible to create new Hotmail accounts anymore. Though, many people still use Hotmail email addresses. A Microsoft Outlook account provides general experience and email services as Hotmail. In the new update, Hotmail moved the page and changed it entirely, and is now called Outlook. If you are one of those who was fond of the Hotmail…
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The outlook is a powerful program of Microsoft which is free and fast. It comes with powerful services and features including anti-malware, anti-virus, anti-spam, anti-phishing. Once you create an Outlook Id you can access many popular services of Microsoft programs. Such as skype, office, Xbox, Windows, and almost all products of Microsoft based on the email client. Today we’ll be talking about a features and services provided by in detail. So, if you are new to this mailing service and do not know how to use it, you’ve come…
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